Sep 19Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Yes Henriette I do so remember meeting Dr. C. the first time. I knew he was an excellent Physician by reputation. So meeting him and talking to him and he talking to you was ever so important. That first meeting was very important.

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Mum! I am so grateful you swooped in and pled my case. Your piece of advice has stayed with me my entire patient life. ❤️

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Sep 23Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Oh Hank!

1. I feel like your hair is an actual character in these stories.

2. Lipstick trifecta - I love you.

3. Mum... Oh I already love her so.

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Hair and kidneys! The 80’s were a MOOD. 😘

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Aw honey. Beautiful writing! when my appendix burst I was headed to the hospital with my cousin who makes me laugh really hard and the dr who was referring me to the hospital said, Stop smiling! You'll never get in tonight. But dang if it's not the only way I get through....love the ending esp of how your mom is medicine. Gorgeous.

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Wise guy! He understood the assignment. To me, it’s not playing a “game” of any sort. Doctors (or any other medicals) have such a limited amount of time with us, and the visual communicates the majority of an impression. This is where health gets collaborative. I look at it as helping them and me!

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Sep 19Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Beautifully written. It reminds us that looking great isn’t always feeling great. We need to listen to people not assume what we see is all there is.

Much love as we keep reading! I love you and mums can be the best advocates ❤️

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I'm still learning that lesson!

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Sep 19Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Henriette, I am there with you. Not was. Am.

Tomorrow I have an appointment that I hope will not be an ambush. Fear of the unknown can come after one has known the fear…

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I AM WITH YOU. I understand. I am in fear every time I get bloodwork, and that will be every three months for as long as this transplant plans to stick around. I will be holding you in my heart all day tomorrow! ✨❤️

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Sep 19Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Amazing writing as always. I didn’t know you then, but I feel closer to you when I read these. ❤️

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My heart. ❤️ (Who’s the writer now?)

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Sep 19Liked by Henriette Ivanans


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I know! I know! Love to you, Jeannette. ❤️

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Sep 19Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Such a beautiful and powerful piece! I felt the love of your Mum embrace you with support and care! Thank you for sharing your story.

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It was one of the greatest lessons I would carry forward as a patient — to collaborate in my health. I’m grateful for it!

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Sep 18Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Another great one! It was natural, I think, for you to want to look your best when meeting your new doctor, who seemed to be a jerk at this point. We always want and need our Mum…I spell it the same way…, if our mother was a supportive person.

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Looking back, he wasn’t a jerk, but probably not used to young patients. I remember being the youngest patient in the adult transplant clinic. That said, I wonder if medical schools offer any instruction / suggestions on “bedside manner” these days? Being heard goes a long, long way!

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Sep 18Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Thank goodness for Mom's, especially your Mom who was such a beautiful support for you!❤️

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We are lucky if we have supportive family. Not everyone does! xx

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So very true!

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Sep 18Liked by Henriette Ivanans

Another piece calling, “Read me”! Your Mom seems like a strong woman. But being a Mom of four adult children, know they would be the same as you! But moms really are the greatest allies, if you let them be.And in the end, she was a lifesaver, I think.

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She was a literal lifesaver with her kidney donation, but also advocate. It’s so important to have someone go with you to appointments when you’re sick. As an unwell patient, I often forgot or was confused by things my doctor said. I was lucky to have Mum, and then Kevin, come along to appointments. They were a second set of eyes and ears, that helped me feel less alone.

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Did you use Noxema? It was still a thing when I was a teen in the 90s.

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I think it was Ponds’!

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